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Lake Champlain in June Comments

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User: nik_zarvis
Comment: not to sure about the boat at this moment in time but im gonna shore fish for a while and enjoy a nice beer or two. i have had alot of fun there before caught alot of smallies
Date: 06/19/13 09:40 PM

User: kamilfishes
Comment: im pretty familiar with the nothern part of the lake. i got my spots up there
Date: 06/18/13 02:18 PM

User: tate
Comment: That's awesome staying on Burton Island! Will you have access to a boat or will you be shore fishing? As Kamil says the baits can vary but finding the fish is what can put quality and quantity in the boat. I am no expert on Champlain but I've had good luck throwing natural colored tubes, soft plastic swimbaits, white spinnerbaits, curly tail grubs and watermellon/orange copper flake laminate wacky rigged senko's. I suspect it is more about what type of lures you like to fish and have confidence in but I have done pretty good with the above once we find what depth and location is working. Have a great trip!!
Date: 06/18/13 08:05 AM

User: kamilfishes
Comment: honestly on champlain you can pretty much throw whatever you want cause it all works
Date: 06/18/13 05:43 AM

User: nik_zarvis
Comment: im going to be staying on burton island in mid july for 2 days any suggestions on what i should bring with me?
Date: 06/17/13 09:47 PM

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