Lake Champlain Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 9 Reviews

Lake Champlain In June

Fishing reports out of Champlain area have not been good due to the large amount of rain and cold water temps. I guess the bass were really confused with some fish being pre-spawn, spawn and post spawn. We were there from Thursday - Sunday fishing the most northern points of the lake. Water temps varied from 58 to a few places as high as 63. Friday we fished mostly for LMB;s in the weedy shallow area's thinking the water temps might be a little higher and fish more active. We did ok, a couple decent size and a good number of 1.5's.

For us the fishing really got going on Saturday. We targeted Smallies and headed to clear water fishing depths from 4' - 18'. Fished some points and humps that had sporadic patches of weeds. A few of the Smallies puked near the boat and we could see they had been eating Alewife so we matched the size and color to soft plastic swim baits and started to kill them. As I learned on previous trips the Watermellon copper orange red laminte 4'' senko wacky rigged also works great on the rocky bottoms. We found some spots that produced so many quality smallies, what a great day it was. We covered a lot of terrain over the 10 hours on the water. Even my wife was happy to fish for such a long time as she was also catching plenty.

It was without a doubt my best day on the waters of Champlain. Really learned what that lake can give up! Can't wait to head back.

  • Added By: tate on 06/17/13 07:29 AM
  • Location: Lake Champlain
  • Report Date: 6/13/2013 - 6/16/2013
  • # of Photos: 1
  • Learn more about Lake Champlain fishing in our fishing message boards

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... tate posted in MA

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  • not to sure about the boat at this moment in time but im gonna shore fish for a while and enjoy a nice beer or two. i have had alot of fun there before caught alot of smallies

  • im pretty familiar with the nothern part of the lake. i got my spots up there

  • That's awesome staying on Burton Island! Will you have access to a boat or will you be shore fishing? As Kamil says the baits can vary but finding the fish is what can put quality and quantity in the boat. I am no expert on Champlain but I've had good luck throwing natural colored tubes, soft plastic swimbaits, white spinnerbaits, curly tail grubs and watermellon/orange copper flake laminate wacky rigged senko's. I suspect it is more about what type of lures you like to fish and have confidence in but I have done pretty good with the above once we find what depth and location is working. Have a great trip!!

  • honestly on champlain you can pretty much throw whatever you want cause it all works

  • im going to be staying on burton island in mid july for 2 days any suggestions on what i should bring with me?

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