Pompano Details

  • Water Type: saltwater
  • Latin Name: Trachinotus carolinus
  • Common Names: Florida Pompano, cobble fish
  • Water Temp: 70-88 deg
  • World Record: 8lbs 1oz ,Fl
  • Last Modified By: bassprochuck on 09/30/09 12:01 PM
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Pompano Description

Pompano are deep-bodied fish, grayish, blue on the back shading to silver on the side with yellow beneath. There is a bluish tint above and in front of the eyes. The side of the tail and caudal peduncle is smooth in contrast to the similar-looking jack crevalle. Two to five pounds is the average size caught.
Pompano are common along Gulf beaches and passes where they feed on beach fleas, shrimp, small fish and animals buried in the sand. In September and October, adults move into the bays. These deep-bodied fish flash their silver sides and yellow bodies when they jump in the wake of boats in the coastal bays. They have fairly small mouths, so baits and hooks should be small. Generally live bait or bits of shrimp are the best bait, although some lures can be successful. Best fishing is in summer and fall, since the fish may move offshore in winter.
And as for taste? They are arguably the best tasting fish in the gulf. Try simply broiling one in butter. Awesome!

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